You might have made presentations using presentation softwares like Microsoft Powerpoint, Impress, etc. But you may have experienced problems when the software you have used is not available at the computer you have given to present. Didn't you think about a universal format so that it can be opened and viewed, regardless of OS and software. Yes! we have a solution. ie, PDF.

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About PDF: Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format created by Adobe systems in 1993 for document exchange. PDF is used for representing two-dimensional documents in a manner independent of the application software, hardware, and operating system. For details, Check Wikipedia here.

We are creating a presentation and saving at PDF format. We are using following software.
  • OpenOffice.Org Impress.
  • A PDF viewer. ( For windows, I suggest Adobe acrobat reader ).
  • Create a presentation using OpenOffice.Org Impress or open your presentation in it. Presentations created using Microsoft Powerpoint can also be opened safely.
  • Choose File->Export as PDF.
  • On the Dialogue box obtained choose User Interface tab.
  • Check Open in full screen mode.
  • Save your file by giving file name.
That's all. Now enjoy the portability of your work.
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